This years Green Card Lottery Program is called DV-20 (the year fruitful candidates may enter the United States of America on the green card they won), and is presently open to all people overall who meet two essential section prerequisites.
So as to be qualified to enter in the assorted variety visa lottery, you should have in any event a secondary school instruction (characterized as fruitful finishing of a 12-year course of rudimentary and auxiliary instruction, similar to such secondary school training in the U.S.) or its equal or have, inside the previous five years, two years of work involvement in an occupation that requires at any rate two years' preparation or experience. Just formal courses of concentrate meet the instruction prerequisites. Correspondence projects or equivalency declarations, (for example, the G.E.D.) are not adequate. For more subtleties, see here.
Fragment 203(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) suits a class of laborers known as "varying assortment vagrants," from countries with genuinely low paces of relocation to the United States. A set number of visas are open each monetary year. The DVs are appropriated among six geographic regions and no single country may get more than seven percent of the available DVs in any one year.
For a summary of countries/zones by area whose local people are equipped for DV-2020 and DV-2019, you should suggest the DV Instructions.
The necessities for the DV program are developed by U.S. movement law. In case you are needing to enroll for the DV program, try to look at the necessities for this sort of visa.
The Online USA Green Card Lottery Application Process:
- Check if you qualify
- Register using a valid email address
- Receive registration number and password to your account
- Log into to your account to complete/change your information
- Provide/upload photos of yourself and any co-applicant
- We will crop and resize your photos so that they meet the diversity visa lottery requirements
- We will submit your complete and error free application
- Check online, if you won your Diversity Visa Green Card
- Winners are notified by the US Government by mail, and by email from us